Gluten Free Long-Cut Pasta Line

The technology developed by AXOR allows to use any type of raw material. Thanks to the vacuum press, the new generation energy saving shaker (patented) and the high temperature dryer, it is possible to produce an excellent pasta, even using soft wheat flour.
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Raw material steam cooker

It is possible to produce pasta with any kind of gluten-free raw material (corn, rice, quinoa, etc.). During this phase, thanks to a precise volumetric dosing and to a powerful system of steam injection, the starch contained in the raw material is gelatinized, to be ready for the next forming phase.

Former press

The raw material, already gelatinized and humidified in the previous phase, is formed in a vacuum tank and then extruded with high efficiency compression screws, necessary to keep the pasta shape, at the exit of the die head.


This equipment allows a homogeneous spreading of the Long-Cut Pasta on 2550 mm sticks. It is provided with an automatic system for fresh scraps recovery and a pneumatic conveying system to the press.

Pre-Dryer, Dryer and Cooler

The surface of the Long-Cut Pasta is pre-dried, with a continuous hot air flow, to prepare the product for the subsequent drying phase.

Thanks to MONOTIER technology, a succession of ventilation phases and off phases occurs with the maximum simplicity, completely controlled by automatic systems of thermohygroregulation.

The cooler, fitted with a heat exchanger entirely manufactured in stainless steel, allows to lower the temperature of pasta and make it suitable for storage and/or packaging.

Buffer and Stripper

With a storage capacity of approximately 30-35 minutes, the buffer makes it possible to store Long-Cut Pasta on sticks before the stripper, to compensate possible short shutdowns of the packaging system.

The stripper automatically removes the sticks and cuts the pasta to the length required for the next phase of packaging.

Capacity and dimensions

Output capacity (Kg/h)PressSpreaderLine compositionH (mm)L1 (mm)L2 (mm)
10001.210.L 2550ST.AX-1LPL-M + Buffer77003320038700
15001.245.L 2550ST.AX-2LPL-M + Buffer77004280049200


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