E.N.A. Short-Cut Pasta Line

The technology developed by AXOR allows to use any type of raw material. Thanks to the vacuum press, the new generation energy saving shaker (patented) and the high temperature dryer, it is possible to produce an excellent pasta, even using soft wheat flour.
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Pasta production process starts here: in the vacuum mixing tank, raw materials and water are dosed to obtain the dough. Then, thanks to the mechanical action of the high efficiency compression screws, the dough reaches the perfect compactness that is necessary for pasta to keep its shape at the exit of the die head.
The press can be fitted either with Total Vacuum System or with traditional technology.

The cutting unit is a completely independent unit, fixed at the press legs. It is suitable for cutting any pasta shape and also to fit the “penne” cutter device

Mixing Tanks with Vacuum Airlock

Shaker and Bucket Elevator

Pasta drying process starts here. The shaker is fitted with a new motion device (patented), which allows a significant energy saving. In the shaker, the surface of the pasta is dried very quickly by hot air, to prevent sticking in the next steps of the pasta production process.


Bucket Elevator

E.N.A. Dryer

The complete pasta drying process occurs in two zones of the E.N.A. dryer: pre-dryer and main dryer, each one having its separated thermohygroregulation control unit. A pre-drying phase of approximately 40 minutes, followed by a drying phase of approximately 2 hours, to end with a stabilization phase of approximately 30 minutes, allows a high-quality production using any kind of raw materials. E.N.A. dryer is fitted with high density fiberglass panels, internally lined with stainless steel sheets and silicone rubber gaskets.

ENA Dryer

The Bucket Elevator feeds the Spreader at the top of the Dryer


The air/water cooler is fitted with an external cooling unit to lower the pasta temperature and to make it suitable for storage and/or packaging.

Short-Cut Cooler

Short-Cut Cooler

Capacity and dimensions

Output capacity (Kg/h) Press Line composition H1 (mm) H2 (mm) L (mm) P (mm)
700 1.145.C 400 TMVS 700 - E.N.A. DD 9/9 6300 6200 23100 4860
1000 1.165.C 460 TMVS 1000 - E.N.A. DD 11/9 6300 6200 25500 4860
1500 1.210.C 520 TMVS 1500 - E.N.A. DD 11/11 7000 6900 27000 4860
2000 1.210.C 600 TMVS 2000 - E.N.A. DDL 13/11 7000 7700 29600 5310
2500 1.245.C 635 TMVS 2500 - E.N.A. DDL 13/13 7500 8600 31500 5310
3000 1.245.C 670 TMVS 3000 - E.N.A. DDL 13/13 7500 8600 31500 5310
4000 2.210.C 600 TMVD 4000 - E.N.A. DDL 18/13 9600 8600 38600 5310
5000 2.245.C 635 TMVD 5000 - E.N.A. DDL 22/13 9800 8600 41000 5310
6000 2.245.C 670 TMVD 6000 - E.N.A. DDL 22/15 9800 9400 41000 5310


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